Take Care of Your Mental as Well as Physical Health
We all have mental health, just like we all have physical health, and we need to take care of both. Conditions like depression, anxiety and substance abuse, especially when unaddressed, increase risk for suicide. Most people who actively manage their mental health conditions lead fulfilling lives.
So have your buddy’s back. Trust your gut. If you’re worried, it’s okay to have a brave conversation and ask them directly about suicide. We know through research that asking won’t put the idea in their head, or push them to act on it. In most cases, they’ll feel relieved that someone cares enough to bring it up.
NSSF and its partners, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and the U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs, are reminding gun owners of the role they can play in reducing the rate of suicide by helping to educate friends and family members about mental health, suicide prevention and how to recognize and respond when a person is going through a difficult time.
Share this important message.